إدارة خدمة المواطنين

by Technawy



Professions do not arise from a P Rigg but they come to meet and satisfy the needs and face societal problems,The ASTM of PL professions depends on the ASTM Rar need and develop a Bastm Rar and its success in reachingMethods and techniques to satisfy those needs and face problems.The social service profession one of the professions working in the welfare and social development that the scope ofThe process of mediation between the individual and the society to which it belongs, and works using their knowledge baseAnd her skills next to their values ​​to help human compatibility with social systems or change and modifyThese systems for the benefit of citizens and improve their quality of life and the addition of services needed by citizensIn response to the rate of change and developments of the political, social, economic, cultural and technological rate.